Large Scale Work

After years of creating small pieces I felt the need to go big or go home. I had always feared creating larger works because my mind became concerned about cost, a larger piece costs more. I woke up one day and on a whim started to paint on a huge piece of plywood. I fell in love with the painting and decided to no longer let size stifle my creativity.

Parisian Roofscape

She had lived her whole life looking for words to write. She imagined that if she lived by the sea she would gaze out and the words would ebb and flow. Then one day she looked up from the typewriter and saw that she had a view right there. She imagined herself running free on the rooftops.

In that moment she realised she did not need a typewriter she needed a paintbrush! From that point on she was catapulted from her prosaic life and became an artist, who painted stories.

This is a mixed media painting taken from one of the many rooftop scenes I fell in love with when I lived in Paris. The piece contains metro tickets and other ephemera that I collected our there. I also wrote about my favourite Metro lignes in french in pen an ink on the painting.


Rooms for the Unknown


Explorations of Memory